Copyright © 2000-2015 15th Coatbridge Boys’ Brigade Company. Please see our standard disclaimer.

The Boys’ Brigade was formed in 1883 and during those times it was a totally different country to what we have today.


Sir William Smith was an army officer with the 1st Lanarkshire Volunteers and took from that his knowledge of organisation. This led to him utilising names and ranks that are still used in the army today.


You may find the names and titles a bit irksome and may even think we are leading your children and young men towards the Army, rest assured that is not the case.


Each Boys Brigade Company has sections and within those sections there are Squads.


The Leaders / Officers are known as Lieutenants and the person in overall charge for the Company is known as the Captain.


There has been a lot of discussion whether in this day and age we really need such titles, That is not the argument as far as we see it. To carry on with the work that has been done for over 130 years, some form of respect / rank or leadership is required.


Using the Contacts at the side you can get in touch with any of our Officer In Charge of each section.

Billy Barclay


Company Section


If you wish to contact our Captain to discuss any matter then please Email to the following address.


Junior Section


Officer In Charge of Junior Section is Lt. Shirley Downs

to discuss any matter then please Email to the following address.

Anchor Boy


Officer In Charge of Anchor Boys is Lt. Les Cullen.

If you wish to contact Les for any reason then please Email to the following address.